To 2023

It’s raining. Is it just me, or is there a certain sadness attached to the melody of raindrops? It’s as if the rain is telling a story of its own, one that no one can fully grasp because its significance has been lost to the ravages of time. Perhaps it’s the way the rain patters softly against the windowpane or the way it creates a sense of isolation as it muffles the outside world. It’s a feeling that seems to be etched into the very fabric of the universe, and yet it remains just out of reach, like a long-forgotten memory that we can’t quite recall. No matter what it may be, it patiently awaits a miracle that will uncover its secrets.

And yet, there’s a sweet scent and melody attached to it. Drops of water washing away all the excesses of the past year and charting the course for a new year full of new adventures and excitements. It’s January 4. As we begin a new year, I can’t help but feel just as uncertain and unprepared as I did last year. I’ve learned that making resolutions often leads to disappointment, whether due to self-sabotage or the overwhelming nature of reality. This year, I want to approach things differently. Instead of setting specific goals or expectations for myself, I want to take a more laid-back approach and see where the journey takes me. Perhaps by letting go of my expectations, life will surprise me and grant my wishes in its own way. Who knows?

2022 I let you go, 2023 please be kind! Happy new year everyone 😊

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